Produced by Walt Disney Animation, it premiered in the United States on November 2, 2012. The film tells that the King of Destruction is tired of being the villain in the game world all the time, so he decides to leave his game and go to another video game world. During the journey, he stumbled into a number of completely different game worlds, met the harsh soldier captain and the stubborn little girl Yun Nilu whose bark is worse than her bite, and launched a wonderful villain counterattack.
Inspired by the film Wrecking King's adventures in the world of candy racing games.
Super Lollipop Six Flags Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Theme Park Pendulum Ride
Pendulum rides are amusement rides based on the motion of a fixed pendulum. The configuration of the ride consists of a gondola, arm, and an axle. One end of the arm is fitted with a passenger-carrying gondola, while the other is attached to the axle. In some models, the arm extends beyond the axle and is fitted with a heavy counterweight. The counterweight is often used when the gondola swings through an inversion. In addition to swinging back and forth, some designs incorporate rotating gondolas and may send riders through a complete inversion. Pendulum rides are propelled by one of two methods: a series of DC motors driving the axle or wheels at the base of the station pushing the gondola as it swings by.
What causes the feeling of weightlessness on pendulum rides?
At the very top of the pendulum ride, riders begin to fall out of their seats. Since a 180-pound person is no longer in full contact with his seat, the seat is no longer pushing on him with 180 pounds of force. Thus, the rider has a sensation of weighing less than his normal weight.
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